Sunday 7 March 2010

Things Girls Want Guys To Know - Requested

Here are my ideas of things girls want guys to know, if you have anymore, comment below! :)

1. Girls love being hugged from behind
2. When you kiss them, put your hand on their neck so that your fingers are on the back of their neck
3. Whenever you see them, tell them they look pretty
4. When you're about to leave them, tell them you had a great time and kiss them on their head
5. When she says she's cold, she wants you to hug her
6. When you're sitting down and she shuffles up to you, put your arm around her
7. When you're out together, don't snog her face off. Instead hold her hand and kiss her softly on the lips
8. Girls love being taken out, but sometimes they just want to chill with you. So instead of planning a romantic meal, invite her around yours, get a takeaway or cook her a meal and just spend time with her
9. If she talks about something a lot, she's dropping hints that she wants this something
10. If she's mad at you, don't leave her like this. Try and sort things out, preferably before she goes to sleep
11. We don't care about muscles or how strong you are
12. We love hearing your emotions and feelings, so don't hide them all away
13. We want to feel close to you, so let us in
14. Plan things, girls don't want to be planning everything
15. When it's our birthday, we'll love anything you get us because you gave it to us
16. Make note of important anniversaries - it means a lot if a guy remembers these, and if you don't, it may end in a lot of grief
17. When we're sad, just hold us and tell us everything is going to be okay
18. Don't act differently around us just because you're with your friends
19. Call us up and ask us how our day was, we always want to talk to you
20. Don't tell people personal things about you and your girl - such as how far you've been with her, how big her boobs are, etc. Even if it's to your best friends. She WILL find out and won't be too happy with you.

I think these are the main things I think every girl wants guys to know, although it does depend on the girl, so not all of these will apply to every girl. But one thing's for sure, every girl wants to feel loved and wanted.

I hope this helped :)
Loves xx

1 comment:

  1. I have one to add
    if a girl tells u in blog what u should do to make her happy then do it because it will make her happy
