Thursday 11 March 2010

Question Time

I was browsing the gorgeous's (the link didn't work for some reason :S sorry)blog and I thought I'd do this too:

1. What can't you leave the house without?

My phone, even if I'm out, I feel like I'm out of the social loop. Weird. Gloves and lip balm if it's cold. And a bottle of water and suncream if it's hot.

2. Favourite makeup brand?

There's so many makeup brands that I like for different things, so this is a hard one. I like Urban Decay for their eyeshadow palettes and their eyeshadow primer potion. I like NARS for their blusher. But I guess, MAC does do everything the best apart from a few select items.....

3. Favourite flower?

Amaryllis', sunflowers and daisies. They're just so pretty.

4. Favourite clothing store?

Depends on how the shops have taken the seasons trends really. But I'd have to say Republic, New Look, or Topshop. I can always find something in those.

5. Favourite perfume?

Coco Chanel - Mademoiselle. But now I'm in love with the new Balenciaga perfume.

6. Heels or flat

Depends on the occasion. Usually flats in the day time, or heels when going out in the evening.

7. Do you make good grades?

Not instaniously. If I try hard, then yes, usually.

8. Favourite colours?

Changes all the time really. Always been a fan of lilac, sky blue and pink (though not salmon, peach and all the other yucky shades).

9. Do you drink energy drinks?

Lucozade regular and orange, though I hardly drink it.

10. Do you drink juice?

Apple juice and orange juice are a godsend.

11. Do you like swimming?

Really really hate swimming. Unless I had my own private pool all to myself, then I would like it.

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?

Fries are finger food. Unless they're superhot, then I pick them up with a fork.

13. Favourite moisturiser?

Tricky tricky. Your skin gets adapted to the moisturiser you use, so sometimes the moisturiser you've been using all the time seems to stop working, because you're used to the effects. Which is why you often need to vary your moisturiser. I usually use the Clinique 3-step moisturiser, which is usually fine. But winter + central heating + skin = dry, flaky skin. So now I use E45 cream too, which works wonders - as long as you don't use it unnecessarily.

14. Do you want to get married?


15. Do you get mad easy?

Yeah, as soon as one thing annoys me, everything else seems too. It's horrible. Especially when I'm on the monthlies.

16. Are you into ghost hunting?


17. Any phobias?

Spiders and bugs. I'm okay with ladybirds and butterflies, but anything else, just no. I'm also scared of ends. I'm okay if there's something next to me like a wall, but if there's just an empty space then a wall, then I don't like it. Weird.

18. Do you bite your nails?

Yes :( I'm trying to stop though, trust :)

19. Have you ever had a near death experience?

I was crossing the road when I was about 9 and on holiday. A car came really fast round the corner. It missed me by about a centimetre. I had chicken pox when I was 13, which could have killed me.

20. Do you drink coffee?

Love coffee.

Now you guys are tagged!
Loves xxx

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